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Hebrew Months and Weekday Labels

Incorporating Hebrew month and weekday labels into your classroom decor is a practical way to assist students with remembering Hebrew calendar vocabulary. The labels are thoughtfully arranged in rainbow order, making it easier for students to memorize the calendar's sequence.


To help students learn where holidays fall within the Jewish calendar, each Hebrew month is accompanied by a cartoon image representing the relevant Jewish holiday or season.


You’ll receive three styles of the Hebrew months and weekday labels to fit your decorative preferences.


Style 1: Rainbow Border


Style 2: Ink Saver Border

Print the labels on your preferred color of cardstock. The white background behind the text ensures a striking contrast, making it stand out in front of any color.


Style 3: Playful Border

Use a quality printer or visit your local printing store.


Weekday Labels: 10x3" with border

Month Labels: 8.5x3" with border

Hebrew Months and Weekday Labels

SKU: 00196852394678-08
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