2612523060817 Hebrew Games on Wordwall
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You Don't Need to Know How to Code to Create (FREE) Hebrew Computer Games!

Ever heard of Wordwall.net? If not, you've GOT to check it out!

Wordwall.net is a digital game generator where teachers can create interactive games in digital and printable formats...no coding experience required! Simply enter your questions and answers, and let it do it's magic!

Wordwall can automatically generate dozens of games, like Match Up, Maze Chase and my personal favorite...Whack-a-Mole! Plus, you can create up to 5 games on a free account.

Check out one that I created to help my students differentiate between the look-alike letters "kaf" and "bet". The object of the game is to "whack" the moles with the kaf. But be careful! The speed increases with every round.

How many "Kafs" can you whack? Register for a free account and give it a try!

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