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Tefillah App Sort

Teaching Tefillah can be a challenge. While on their Bar/Bat Mitzvah journies, students are expected to comprehend prayers in Hebrew, a language most do not understand. This activity takes a fresh approach to traditional and monotonous methods of teaching tefillah.


Tefillah App Sort is an interactive and visual learning activity that helps students understand the essential themes of the Barchu, Yotzer Or, Shema, V'ahavta, Mi Chamocha, and Amidah prayers. It can be used as an introduction or review of the prayers and makes for a great display on a bulletin board.


You'll receive two versions: one with the prayers written in English and the other in Hebrew.


Upgrade to the bundle and save when you add the Tefillah Handouts. 

Tefillah App Sort

SKU: 00196852394678-40
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