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Shabbat Vocabulary Builder

The Shabbat Vocabulary Builder is a valuable resource for educators looking to explore the traditions of Shabbat with their students. This tool offers a detailed exploration of key Jewish-life vocabulary words and rituals, such as wearing a kippah, tying knots on a tallit, and the significance of a minyan.


The interactive pages will also get your students to think critically about ten important Jewish-life vocabulary words and rituals through guided prompts for writing, explaining, reflecting, and coloring. This approach accommodates different learning styles and enhances long-term memory retention. 


That's not all! A crossword puzzle and word search to reinforce the essential vocabulary are also provided. You'll even receive a detailed teacher's guide with suggested answers to open-ended questions.




10 Guided Shabbat Vocabulary Pages

Cover Page

  • Shabbat

  • Kabbalat Shabbat

  • Shabbat Candles

  • Kippah

  • Bracha

  • Kiddush

  • Siddur

  • Minyan

  • Tallit

  • Havdalah


Shabbat Blessings, with or without transliterations

Shabbat Crossword Puzzle

Shabbat Word Search

Teacher's Discussion Guide


Before You Buy

Save when you upgrade to theTefillah Activity Bundle.


Shabbat Vocabulary Builder

SKU: 00196852394678-38
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