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Tefillah Activity Pack

Transform your classroom with the Tefillah Activity Pack! This thoughtfully designed bundle of Hebrew games and activities helps busy teachers save hours of preparation while delivering impactful lessons that enhance Hebrew decoding skills, prayer fluency, and Jewish-life vocabulary.


With this resource, students will confidently master essential prayers like the Barchu, Shema, Yotzer Or, Mi Chamocha, Tzur Yisrael, Avot v'Imahot, G'vurot, V'ahavta, Kedushah, Shabbat Blessings, Hanukkah Candle Blessings, and the Four Questions.


To enhance the learning journey, the pack features Jewish Holiday Blessings in enlarged, easy-to-read fonts for special occasions like dipping apples in honey on Rosh Hashanah and the lulav and etrog on Sukkot. Additionally, a handy mini booklet of Blessings Before Food and further printables offer students valuable resources to deepen their connection with the material.


Students will also enrich their Jewish vocabulary with fun resources such as the Tefillah App Sort, Shabbat Vocabulary Builder, and an array of Jewish Vocabulary Games. They'll even have the opportunity to explore the significance of Jewish "artifacts" within their synagogue through a Synagogue Scavenger Hunt, creating a significant and unforgettable learning experience. 



Tefillah Handouts 

Synagogue Scavenger Hunt 

Mi Chamocha, Tzur Yisrael Activity, Yotzer Or Activity Pack

V'ahavta 4 in a Row

Avot v'Imahot 4 in a Row 

G'vurot 4 in a Row

Tefillah App Sort 

Shabbat Vocabulary Builder 

Tefillah BINGO 

Dots & Boxes: Kedushah Edition

Roll & Read: Tefillah Edition 

Roll & Read: Hanukkah Edition

Roll & Read: Passover Edition

Jewish Life Vocabulary Games

Mini Booklet of Brachot 


Tefillah Activity Pack

SKU: 00196852394678-44
$88.00 Regular Price
$76.00Sale Price

    A bundle is a collection of two or more individual resources offered at a discounted rate when purchased together.

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